Myer’s Cocktail
Perfect “Pick me up!” mix, increases performance, fights sinus infections and combats jetlag feeling, so yes its ideal if going on a trip soon. Myer’s Cocktail is a combination infusion of B-complex vitamins, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C, Calcium, Zinc and Magnesium. These nutrients in customized doses meets the patient’s needs. Other benefits include fighting against migraines, acute asthma attacks, and fatigue, including upper respiratory, infections, seasonal allergies and even chronic fatigue syndrome, detoxifying the body and getting rid of free radicals. Likewise, the Myer’s Cocktail Max is available on demand. This constitutes all the nutrients seen in the Myer’s cocktail but in an increased dose, and then includes Glutathione which the simple Myer’s cocktail lacks. Most individual prefers the Myer’s Cocktail Max because of its higher boost of energy, giving the body more support.