An IV infusion is technically considered an invasive treatment, so it’s important that sterile protocols are followed strictly by a licensed professional. A major blood vein will be accessed to insert a thin catheter through which the infusion is given. Possible risks are anticipated though complications are rare. Discuss these risks with your Primary Care Physician/Nurse Practitioner. People with medical conditions that could be inflamed with an IV infusion should also consult their physician prior to getting any treatment, likewise, discuss this with the practitioner who will be consulting you after your appointment is booked.
Also, depending on every patient’s physiological needs, other treatments may be considered to attain full treatment. Explore these options with your Primary Care Physician or Nurse Practitioner.
Procedures like Botox, Vitamin injectables, and IV infusion therapies are not covered by insurance, payment will need to be made upfront prior to your treatment.
Please discuss your payment options with the health care provider before starting your infusions.